On Friday, August 14th, the Fresno County Sheriff’s Foundation for Public Safety donated six new bicycles to underserved children, five boys and one girl.

The idea for this donation came in mid-June. Three deputies had just completed a call for service in the area of Pine and Oregon Avenues in San Joaquin when a few young boys approached them and asked for help fixing their bike. The deputies noticed the chain had come off the sprocket and were able to make the necessary repair. The boys then grabbed a football and began throwing it around with the deputies. They had fun as they shared some good conversations. Deputies enjoyed this positive experience, especially since they had recently been called to so many shootings in San Joaquin that resulted in injuries and even death. 

After leaving those boys, the deputies discussed ways they could continue this relationship with the boys and inspire them in a positive way. They thought giving them the gift of some brand new bicycles would mean a lot to them as they gather outdoors to get exercise. 

The Sheriff’s Foundation is devoted to improving the quality of life within Fresno County. Primary objectives are to develop, improve and support non-profit charitable and educational programs as such Elementary Safety School Program (E.S.S.P.), Sheriff’s Activity League and Crime Stoppers. This non-profit organization also provides support to citizen volunteer groups involved with the Sheriff’s Office, such as the Search and Rescue Teams, the Explorer Program, the Uniform Reserves and the Companion Officer Program.

Contact Information

Tony Botti
Public Information Officer
(559) 600-8137