All detention facilities are no-hostage facilities. Employees will not bargain for the release of hostages.

Special Note

Effective September 12, 2023, the Main Jail visiting elevator will undergo maintenance for approximately six months.

During this time, visiting will continue in the following three options:

• Visiting stairwell to visiting vestibules via officer escort
• 1 of 3 video visitation kiosks
• 1 of 3 bond rooms

If you are unable to utilize the stairs, visitation will be offered via video visitation kiosks or bond room. All bond room and video visitations will be available on a first come first serve basis.

If you choose to conduct your visit on the housing floor you will be required to use the visiting stairwell. Be advised that this option is available, but is at your own risk. The Main Jail has six floors and you may be required to climb numerous flights of stairs, depending on where your visitation is located.

At the top of the visiting hour, all visits will be scheduled. We ask that all visitors utilize the restroom prior to their visit. Approximately 10 minutes later, officers will escort all visitors up the visiting stairwell to their scheduled visitation. Once all visitors are safely escorted into the visiting vestibules, the door will be secured for approximately 40 minutes. During this time, you will be locked inside of the visiting vestibule until officers return.  In case of an emergency, there is an intercom located within the visiting vestibule.