Fiscal Management
The Business office is responsible for the coordination of all activities related to the business and fiscal functions of the Sheriff's Office. Major areas of responsibility include: budget preparation and control; accounting; billing and collection of fees; fiscal control of contracts; facilities management; preparation of financial statements and statistical reports; monitoring payroll and personnel transactions; and completing special projects.
The travel section processes travel requests for training, seminars, and conferences. Various documents are prepared to assure payment of travel advances and reimbursements. Receipts are collected for hotels, meals, and car rentals. Checks are issued and money is collected in accordance with County travel policies.
The accounts receivable section performs the Sheriff's Office's billing and collection for contracted Law Enforcement services. Includes contact with departmental staff, state and federal agencies, all other local area law enforcement agencies, Fresno County School districts, and other county departments.
The Inmate Welfare section processes all incoming and outgoing inmate cash and unclaimed money funds, and processes purchase orders, supply orders and contracts for inmate supplies and services. They are held accountable for the Prisoner Trust Fund, Prisoner Unclaimed Fund and the Inmate Welfare Fund.
The Business Office also has the daily accountability for the balancing and depositing of all inmate mail money that is processed by the Jail Mail Staff Office located at the Main Detention Facility and processing all In Custody and Out of custody inmate money requests.
Receiving and Supply section is manned by our diligent stock clerk. He is responsible for ordering and distributing most of the supplies that are used by our Law Enforcement and Civilian employees.