The Fresno County Sheriff’s Ag Task Force and the County of Fresno Department of Public Works and Planning are stepping up efforts to combat the ongoing problem of illegal trash dumps.

This unsightly behavior damages the environment and ruins the quality of life in areas of our county.

Deputies working in the field are using different tactics to try and curb this filthy crime, but we could use your help.  If you witness trash dumping in progress, please report it right away.  If you can safely do so, get descriptions of the suspects, their vehicles and license plates.  Snap photos if you are able.  Make your report to sheriff’s dispatchers at 559-600-3111.  You can email your photos to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please do not report existing trash piles where no one is around, this information should not be routed through sheriff’s dispatchers.  Public Works has a lengthy list of locations where there is trash and workers are trying to cleanup each spot as quickly as possible.  If you wish to report an existing dump site, contact public works by visiting

Recently, deputies cited a man who they caught in the act of dumping household appliances on the side of the road.  Those who litter will be prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law and may face fines and cleanup fees.  

For information on legal dumping at local landfills, visit



Contact Information

Tony Botti
Public Information Officer
(559) 600-8137