On Tuesday morning, Fresno County Sheriff’s Office dispatchers received a report of a body being found in a dry ponding basin.
An irrigation worker made the discovery while doing a routine check of property located on the southeastern portion of S. Blythe and W. Sumner Avenues, between Easton and Raisin City. Deputies responded and found it to be a deceased man who had obviously been there a considerable amount of time.
Members of our Crime Scene and Coroner’s Units identified the man to be 86 year old Ulysses Carr of Fresno. Carr had been a reported as a missing person on November 25th, 2022. It was on that day Mr. Carr left his home near W. Muscat and S. Valentine Avenues in southwest Fresno for one of his regular walks. 39 days later, he was found approximately five miles away from his house. This remains an ongoing investigation.
Mr. Carr was a person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease who was known to take daily walks that cover two to three miles roundtrip. During his first couple of weeks missing, an average of 35 deputies and volunteers assigned to multiple Search and Rescue (SAR) teams were out each day scouring Fresno County for him. This included SAR members from the sheriff's offices of Fresno, Merced, Madera, Kings, Tulare and Kern Counties. Efforts continued in a scaled back fashion throughout December.
During the course of the search, 90 squared miles were covered, ranging from southwest Fresno, to Kerman, to Caruthers. The terrain consisted of vineyards, orchards and open fields. Also, more than 5,000 buildings were searched, numerous surveillance cameras were reviewed, and many citizen tips were followed up on, but nothing ever panned out. Our office wishes to thank everyone who tried to help locate Mr. Carr and bring much needed closure to his family.