On Wednesday, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held at the Fresno County Sheriff's Office new Area Two Substation.
It is located on a 6 ½ acre parcel of land along N. Armstrong Ave., between Belmont and E. Harvey Avenues in southeast Fresno. It features 22,700 square feet of office space and a 35,500 square foot vehicle storage building. Its close proximity to Highway 180 allows personnel easier vehicle access to the freeway system when responding to calls for service.
The facility opened for operation in October 2023, but due to final construction touch-ups, a formal ceremony was not held until February 28th, 2024. The building currently serves as the headquarters for all patrol operations in the metropolitan area. It is a hub for patrol briefings, community meetings and a storage location for specialty unit vehicles and equipment that are deployed during emergency situations.
The $17 million dollar project is fully paid off thanks to the collaboration of the Sheriff’s Office and the Board of Supervisors.