Detectives with the Fresno County Sheriff’s Ag Crimes Task Force have arrested 38 year old James Garcia of Sanger and 21 year old Shelby Dooley of Sanger.

Both have been booked into the Fresno County Jail.  Garcia faces felony charges for auto theft and evading police.  He also had several misdemeanor warrants for vandalism and drug possession.  His bail is $127,000.  Dooley faces charges for auto theft and drug possession.  She too had numerous misdemeanor bench warrants related to drug possession.  Her bail is just under $325,000.

Thursday morning, a farmer in the Sanger area made a report to the California Highway Patrol that his pickup truck had been stolen.  Later in the day, an employee of the farmer’s spotted the truck driving through Sanger.  Once the farmer got this information, he made a report of the sighting and the information was quickly given to a detective assigned the Sheriff’s Ag Crimes Task Force. 

Around 4:30 pm, the detective headed to the area, found the truck driving on a street and requested marked patrol cars come to the area to make a traffic stop.  A marked patrol unit arrived and attempted to pull over the driver, later identified as James Garcia, near Academy and American Avenues.  Garcia refused to stop.  The deputy continued to follow with his lights and siren on, but the suspect continued through the city of Sanger.  Sanger Police officers also began to follow the suspect.  Once the sheriff’s helicopter, EAGLE One, arrived overhead, patrol cars backed off the pursuit.  The suspect drove fast through neighborhoods, running stop signs, disregarding the safety of pedestrians and other motorists.

Once Garcia got out of the city, he began to drive at high speeds, close to 100 miles per hour at times.  Under the guidance of EAGLE One, ground units continued to follow him.  Once Garcia reached the area of E. Adams and S. Newmark, he took a dirt road through an orchard and eventually drove into a large dry ditch, disabling the truck.  Garcia quickly got out and dragged his passenger, Shelby Dooley, out of the truck.  Due to injuries they had suffered and deputies arriving on scene, the two suspects surrendered.  Deputies and EMS provided medical aid to Garcia and Dooley and then transported them to the Fresno County Jail.

If you have additional information about the suspects in this case, please contact the Sheriff’s Office at (559) 600-3111, Crime Stoppers at (559) 498-7867 or  You will remain anonymous and may be eligible for a cash reward.


James Garcia
Shelby Dooley

Contact Information

Tony Botti
Public Information Officer
(559) 600-8137