Report a Crime Online: Harassing Phone Calls / Online Messages

Welcome to the Fresno County Sheriff's Office
Citizens Online Reporting System.

By using this system you will be able to report the incident online, without waiting for a deputy to respond, and you will be able to print a copy of the finalized report.


If you have been the victim of harassing telephone calls and do not know who the person is that is calling you, you may file a report online using this system.

A harassing telephone call is considered an unwanted call that involves one or more of the following:

  • Unwanted phone calls of annoying, harassing or threatening in nature.
  • Obscene language, immediate hang-ups, etc. with no known suspects.
  • Scam calls often use threats to have their target pay a fine or be arrested
  • Online messages appearing as a threat or tied to criminal activity

After you have completed the online report, we suggest you contact your telephone service provider (as noted on your telephone bill) and follow their instructions on how to keep track of the unwanted calls and the telephone number they originate from.

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